Friday, May 31, 2019

EU Globalist Decline

Hillsdale College audio 5/24/19 covers a discussion of the implications of demise of the UN globalist oriented politicians in the UK, Australia, France, Italy and Germany.

The Brexit vote in the UK and the election of Trump in the US in 2016 started the Anti-EU movement. Poland refused to take refugees then Hungary and Italy refused to take refugees. All other EU member countries are attempting to send their refugees back to their home countries.

In France, Pro-EU President Macron has been rejected for attempting to increase the gasoline tax to pay for the Climate Change hoax.

In the UK, Prime Minister Theresa May has resigned over her failure to manage the Brexit exit. The UK voters want to leave the EU, but the Parliament fails to approve a “hard exit”.

In Germany, Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Pro-EU Party has lost votes since 2016.

In Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu has been re-elected.

A large number of Anti-EU politicians have just been elected to the EU Parliament.  

The world’s voters are tired of being ignored and abused by their governments. They are beginning to elect politicians who will restore the “consent of the governed” and national sovereignty.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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