Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Bandwagon Scams

Every economic disaster in the past 50 years has resulted from a planned, orchestrated push by saboteurs lobbying for support. These scams call for everybody to jump on the bandwagon. This includes blatant violations of the US Constitution by Congress and rogue Presidents and other Federal overreach.

Bandwagon Scams were active with the unconstitutional land grab of Yellowstone National Park in 1872. If Congress and President US Grant had presented an Amendment to the States for ratification to amend federal enumerated powers, the States would have rejected national parks.

The “Managed Economy” Scam in 1913 included Marxist revenge on private property with inheritance tax, income tax and the abandonment of free market economics that allows consumers to control the price of goods and services through the law of supply and demand.

The Socialism Bandwagon began in the 1930s with the creation of Social Security, a government Ponzi scheme that forced retirement “deposits” to go to the US Treasury in exchange for a “defined benefit” old age insurance plan.  It would have been better if this had created individually owned retirement accounts. It was a government “money grab” to force redistribution of wealth and allow Congress to spend whatever it wants.

The government take-over of healthcare and hand-outs began in the 1960s with Medicare, Medicaid and Welfare.

The Diversity Bandwagon was driven by anti-discrimination laws in the 1960s and created “identity politics”.

NAFTA required a Bandwagon full of bribe and threat recipients to ignore all penetrating questions about their proposed “Information Age”. At the time, I found that the “information” wasn’t good.  We were about to off-shore all our manufacturing jobs to third world, low wage, low skill, high corruption countries with no regulations. We were able to reduce the oppressive control exerted by the Labor Unions, but we had already created a non-union electronics manufacturing empire.

The next Bandwagon Scam was UN Agenda 21. GHW Bush signed on, Clinton ordered its implementation, Bush II ignored it and Obama implemented it with a vengeance. This was “Smart Growth” based on the global warming hoax.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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