Friday, August 30, 2019

Coal Importing Countries 2018

Below are the 15 countries that imported the highest dollar value worth of coal during 2018.

Japan: $25.4 billion (16.7% of total coal imports)
India: $24.6 billion (16.2%)
China: $19.6 billion (12.9%)
South Korea: $16.5 billion (10.9%)
Taiwan: $8.1 billion (5.3%)
Netherlands: $5.9 billion (3.9%)
Germany: $5.7 billion (3.7%)
Turkey: $4.4 billion (2.9%)
Brazil: $3.4 billion (2.2%)
Malaysia: $3.2 billion (2.1%)
Ukraine: $3 billion (2%)
Poland: $2.2 billion (1.5%)
France: $2.1 billion (1.4%)
Vietnam: $1.9 billion (1.2%)
Philippines: $1.8 billion (1.2%)

By value, the listed 15 countries purchased 84.1% of all coal imports in 2018. Within parenthesis is the percentage of overall global coal shipments.

Coal is needed to produce steel, so countries who make products that require steel are potential coal import customers. Coal is also widely used to produce electricity in many countries.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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