Thursday, August 15, 2019

Computer Models

A computer model is a software program that is built to attempt to predict the future and they fail because of the assumptions that have to be made to predict the future.

A case in point is the weather forecast we hear on TV and read in the newspaper. What meteorologists know is where the weather is, but predicting where it’s headed is the problem, because wind direction changes. When they discover a strong weather front their predictions are more accurate. Attempting to predict scattered showers is useless.

The global warming hoax started with a computer model that was programmed to predict a predetermined outcome based on a scam. The genesis for the global warming hoax was the Iron Mountain Report published in the 1960s. It suggested that governments should justify their existence by replacing war with environmental hysteria.

“Artificial Intelligence” is the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.

This is software that is built to use sensors to automatically adjust electronic devices.  This was attempted in the Boeing 737 Max resulted in airliner crashes, order cancellations and redesign.

The idea of designing devices to perform autonomously isn’t new.  We set our thermostats to operate our HVAC units. We program our electronic component inserters to place parts into circuit boards. We program automatic welders and laser reading dimensional measurement machines to inspect 3-D mechanical parts. Dental offices make their own crowns using pictures and small computer integrated manufacturing milling machines.  

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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