Sunday, August 18, 2019

Social Democrat Suicide

Communist countries don’t last long.  The USSR was established in 1918 and dissolved in 1989. The “workers’ paradise lasted for 71 years and killed 7 million citizens.

Socialist countries don’t last long. Venezuela went socialist when it nationalized its natural gas in 1971 and its oil in 1976.  It went broke in 2017 and its economy is in ruin. Incompetent government over-borrowed, didn’t maintain its oil business and defaulted on its $50 billion Bond Debt. Venezuela is the poster child for electing politicians who promise free stuff.

Socialism in Europe is choking off its private sector and needs to privatize government run industries, cut government spending and cut taxes. Climate Change is a Hoax. The EU needs to be eliminated to allow European countries to manage its own economies and voters need to determine its laws. The UN needs to be defunded and eliminated. Trade needs to be bi-lateral. Socialist politicians need to be replaced by competent business-people.

Socialist Programs in the US are unsustainable and need to be eliminated. Healthcare and Education are overpriced and underperforming.  Social Security is a Ponzi scheme and needs to be privatized. Federal land needs to be returned to the States and to private use. Agenda 21 laws need to be repealed. The border wall needs to be built and welfare migration needs to stop. Manufacturing needs to be returned to the US. 80% of the US Congress needs to be replaced.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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