Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Republican Split

Trump has redefined the Republican Party Platform to include reversing the off-shoring of middle class jobs and limiting Welfare Migration.

Establishment Republicans are not on board. They were supporting the Globalist Agenda that included massive foreign aid, off-shoring manufacturing, open borders, restricted oil and gas exploration and large trade deficits. They presided over the quadrupling of our National Debt.

Establishment Republicans would always campaign like Conservatives and then vote with the Democrats.  I called them Demo-publicans. They were stunned by the Trump Agenda and still are.

Clearly half of these Establishment Republicans are converting to the Trump Agenda, now that they see the results after just 2 years. They were happy to give lip-service to Conservatism and liked the tax and regulation cuts and Supreme Court appointments, but are wary of any disruption the Tariffs may cause.

But the Tariffs are necessary to return manufacturing to the US. The reduction in the Corporate Tax and the elimination of unnecessary regulations set the table. But the cost of reworking their supply chains is disruptive to the companies that support politicians with their campaign contributions.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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