Tuesday, August 20, 2019

US Drug Problems

Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Colorado, Michigan, Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, Alaska and DC have decriminalized marijuana use.  

Companies in the States who have legalized marijuana are abandoning the drug test programs they established in the 1990s under the Drug-Free Workplace law.

Some jobs, such as those involving the use of heavy machinery, will always require drug tests. Excellence Health still drug-tests any employee working on a government contract, even in states where weed is legal. Companies also reserve the right to test after an accident or if an employee comes to work notably impaired.


Companies will need to be vigilant for Drug Dealers who will bring the “drug culture” to their workforces. The placement of motion sensor cameras in inventory cages and manufacturing plant floors and accurate inventory counts should be employed. The “drug culture” brings theft to the workplace. Supervisors need to be trained to avoid being “enablers”. “Problem Employees” need to be sent for evaluation to counselors familiar with drug addiction if they are valuable.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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