Thursday, August 22, 2019

US Labor Force Decimation

The real reasons for our low US Labor Force Participation are many.  Excessive immigration of 60 million illegals, refugees, anchor baby families, visa lottery and chain migration immigrants since 1989 gave non-citizens work visas. The jobs that had been held by US citizens went to non-citizens along with the welfare that was created to subsidize US citizen working poor.

The 2 million jobs per year that were created over the past 30 years were minimum wage jobs that went to the 2 million non-citizens with work permits we brought into the US. The jobs that would have gone to the 2 million US citizen new grads went to government subsidized non-citizens.

This was a Democrat-Led attempt to build their “victim” base and encourage socialism. It was a Big Socialist Government power grab.  Individual responsibility has been ignored to highlight government expansion beyond its charter. The free market economy has been corrupted by government subsidies and many prices can no longer be controlled by consumers. This depresses the economy.

It began with Congress ignoring the US Constitution (as originally written) and passing laws it was not authorized to pass without filing amendments for ratification by the States in 1872. When the Courts didn’t object, we were lost. Government began to confiscate citizen wealth with income tax and inheritance tax in 1913.

From the 1600s to the 1900s, Americans were tasked with self-support and government was tasked with national defense. Government revenues came from Tariffs on imported goods and Fees. Where self-support was not possible, families took care of the disabled, communities came together voluntarily to raise barns and build roads. Labor was a commodity and US citizens were self-taught and worked from childhood to increase the value of their labor.

Government was interested in expanding commerce and the US government participated in funding the Erie Canal and the Cumberland Road, but the Railroads were built with loans from Britain obtained by JP Morgan in the 1800s.

Karl Marx published his Communist Manifesto in 1848 as a grievance against the Industrial Revolution in Britain and everybody read it. It lead to Socialism, Labor Unions, Mob Rule and the Soviet Union in 1918. The Industrial Revolution allowed mechanization to replace manual labor.

In the US, Labor Unions and Banks were allowed to dominate businesses that were forced to become public corporations. Labor Unions were created by Communists and Banks were organized by the US government.

In the 1980s, Labor Unions began to become unnecessary and began decline. Corporations moved manufacturing plants to southern “right to work” states. The engineers who entered the workforce in the 1960s were at their prime and revolutionized electronics and telephony.

In 1993, NAFTA passed and allowed the auto industry to move to Mexico, Canada and other countries to flee Labor Union abuse and Federal Regulatory abuse.  This was the beginning of the decline in US Labor Force Participation.

In 2008, The Mortgage Meltdown cut stock values in half and the US worker took another hit. The blame goes to the US government for passing anti-discrimination laws forcing Banks to give mortgages to unqualified buyers. 

In 2008, Obama was elected. Obamacare caused health insurance costs to quadruple along with Education costs.

In 2016, Trump was elected to restore the US economy. But the US economic decline had been 40 years in the making. The Engineers who were hired in the 1980s to lead the electronics revolution were retiring and fewer students had taken engineering since the 2000s after the end of the design cycles that created the PC, internet use, telephone enhancement and mobility, and government consolidated defense contractors. US Companies off-shored electronics and engineering jobs dried up for 20 years.  It should be no surprise that we have a shortage of qualified engineers

Now in 2019, Trump needs to bring manufacturing back to the US with Tariffs and students need to teach themselves some math and take the engineering courses to enable the US to return to prosperity. The US education system teaches globalism and socialism and not much reading, writing and arithmetic much less engineering. The only path forward is for students to attend community colleges and trade schools to get the basics like an Associate Degree in Math and then find an engineering school that has less Marxist indoctrination.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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