Friday, August 30, 2019

Coal Exporting Countries 2018

Below are the 15 countries that exported the highest dollar value worth of coal during 2018.

Australia: $47 billion (37.8%)
Indonesia: $20.6 billion (16.6%)
Russia: $17 billion (13.7%)
United States: $12.2 billion (9.8%)
Colombia: $6.6 billion (5.3%)
South Africa: $6.2 billion (5%)
Canada: $5.8 billion (4.7%)
Mongolia: $2.8 billion (2.2%)
China: $786.8 million (0.6%)
Mozambique: $761.6 million (0.6%)
Poland: $722.6 million (0.6%)
Netherlands: $696.7 million (0.6%)
Kazakhstan: $428.2 million (0.3%)
Vietnam: $372.4 million (0.3%)
Czech Republic: $294.2 million (0.2%)

By value, the listed 15 countries shipped 98.3% of global coal exports in 2018.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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