Obama Orders ‘Mental Health’ Testing for School kids, Quietly
unleashes cache of federal dollars under auspices of 'gun violence'
Using “gun violence” as its cover, the Obama administration
has quietly unleashed a cache of federal dollars that will be used for testing
students for signs of mental health issues in K-12 schools.
Critics say personal information scooped up in the
screenings will be logged into databases that will follow the child throughout
his or her academic career and beyond.
Public schools, which have
increasingly taken on aspects of psychiatric clinics in recent years, will get
infused with more than $150 million in federal grants to further this agenda
under the auspices of Obama’s 2013 executive action titled “Now is the Time to Do Something About Gun
Obama took the action following the Sandy Hook, Connecticut,
school shooting, putting Vice President Joe Biden in charge of a task force on
“gun violence.”
These are the goals that came out of Biden’s task force:
• Strengthen the background check system for gun sales
• Require background checks for all gun sales
• Pass a new, stronger ban on assault weapons
• Limit ammunition magazines to 10 rounds
• Finish the job of getting armor-piercing bullets off the streets
• Give law enforcement additional tools to prevent and prosecute gun crime
• End the freeze on gun violence research
• Make our schools safer with new resource officers and counselors, better emergency response plans and more nurturing school climates
• Ensure quality coverage of mental health treatment, particularly for young people.
• Require background checks for all gun sales
• Pass a new, stronger ban on assault weapons
• Limit ammunition magazines to 10 rounds
• Finish the job of getting armor-piercing bullets off the streets
• Give law enforcement additional tools to prevent and prosecute gun crime
• End the freeze on gun violence research
• Make our schools safer with new resource officers and counselors, better emergency response plans and more nurturing school climates
• Ensure quality coverage of mental health treatment, particularly for young people.
The last two measures are where the mental health screenings
for students come into play.
On Sept. 22, Department of Health
and Human Services Secretary Sylvia M. Burwell announced $99 million in new federal grants
to school districts for mental health services. The
money will be used “to train new mental health providers, help teachers and
others recognize mental health issues in youth and connect them to help and
increase access to mental health services for young people.”
On Sept. 23, the U.S. Department of Education announced
another $70 million in “School Climate Transformation grants.” More than half
of the money “will be used to develop, enhance, or expand systems of support
for implementing evidence-based, multi-tiered behavioral frameworks for
improving behavioral outcomes and learning conditions.”
The goals of such measures include “connecting[ing]
children, youths, and families to appropriate services and supports,” and
increasing “measures of and the ability to respond to mental health issues
among school-aged youth.”
Both HHS and DOE cited Obama’s “Now is the Time” declaration
as the basis for the new programs.
“The administration is committed to increasing access to
mental health services to protect the health of children and communities,”
Burwell said.
Of the DOE’s $70 million package, $13 million is allocated
to aiding school districts in creating “high-quality school emergency plans.”
Another $14 million goes toward “Project Prevent grants” for violence-plagued
schools to “be used for school-based counseling services, or referrals to
community-based counseling services for assistance in coping with trauma or
Such designs hint at broader motives
and agendas, reports Professor James F. Tracy in an article for Global Research:
1) the federal government’s
continued aggressive transformation of the healthcare system; and 2) psychiatry
and drug manufacturers’ shared mission to persuade an increasing segment of the
national and global population that it has one or more undiagnosed mental or
emotional “disorders” that require analysis and treatment.
Introducing psychiatric explanations and methodologies into
school environments guarantees a growing customer base for the psychiatric
profession and pharmaceutical industry. Alongside government’s increasing
control of healthcare, the technocratic surveillance and management of everyday
thought and behavior is likewise emerging as part of what is deceptively termed
In reality such efforts ensure an
ever-expanding bureaucracy, handsomely line the pockets of a select few, and
further normalize a culture of learned helplessness and control within an environment
that already privileges conformity as a matter of routine.
A very dangerous trend
Jane Robbins, senior fellow at the American Principles
Project in Washington, D.C., said the federal government’s interest in testing
students, not only for academic knowledge but for psychological and behavioral
traits, has been a problem for some time.
“Never let a good crisis (a school shooting) go to waste,
right?” Robbins told WND via email. “This appears to be part of the broader
goal of focusing education less on academic knowledge and more on students’
feelings, mindsets, attitudes, etc. — so-called social and emotional
learning (SEL).”
She said Education Secretary Arne Duncan is a “huge proponent of having schools and teachers focus
on these kinds of things, which they are not trained for and which are only
tangentially related to academic achievement.”
“It’s a very dangerous trend,” Robbins said.
The problem is even more concerning in light of recent
attempts to create state databases of student information, which will
eventually be linked together as part of the DOE’s plans for a nationwide
Rhode Island is linking DNA collection on
newborns to its education database,
meaning each child will be tracked from birth to college graduation and beyond.
What’s more concerning to some privacy rights advocates is
that the state is taking the DNA collections from babies without parental
In most states, parents may request a screening exemption,
but only for religious reasons. In Nebraska and West Virginia, parents may not
refuse screening.
$50 million from feds for DNA grabs
So far, Rhode Island appears to be the only state connecting
a child’s DNA to his state education record, Robbins said. But in return for
federal funds, a number of states plan to link children’s health data with
their student records, she noted.
In 2011, Rhode Island received a $50 million Race to the Top
Early Learning grant from the U.S. departments of Education, and Health and
Human Services.
In their grant application, the Rhode Island Department of
Education said it would link the state’s newborn DNA database, KIDSNET, to the
state’s K-12 school database.
Anita Hoge, an education consultant and expert on student
assessments, says the move to incorporate federally funded mental health
screening into local schools is disconcerting.
“This is much worse than most people believe,” Hoge said in
an email. “First of all, schools will apply for partial hospitalization
licenses so they can bill Medicaid for wrap-around mental health services. Then
outside people have access to the students. But, it is going to start at birth
with the DNA collection too. So, there are lists of what is considered an ‘at
risk’ child. And it will conform to the subjective observations of both
teachers and professional psychologists and psychiatrists.”
Hoge said similar measures were proposed during the Clinton
administration when the merits of “Hillarycare” – Clinton’s version of national
healthcare – were being debated.
George W. Bush named his mental
health screening initiative The Freedom Initiative, which WND reported on in 2004.
Marti Oakley, a radio host and
author of the blog the “PPJ Gazette,” took up the issue of school mental-health
screenings in July when she issued this scathing report:
The active attack on public
education through the Common Core curriculum has now taken one giant step
forward as Minnesota and other states passed aggressive mental health laws
directed at our children. Several additional public schools in the state will
now have [mental health] clinics on site as the programs become established;
clinics that will be used to aggressively label the greatest number of children
possible as having one or more mental disorders. Tied to these bills are
massive government subsidies and other targeted funding.
In other words, our children will be
traded for dollars regardless of the lifelong damage that will be the result
from the assessment of fictional mental disorders; an assessment which will
follow them for the rest of their lives whether real or just imagined by a
mental health provider. Many will become dependent on the highly addictive
psychotropic drugs known as neuroleptics and will suffer from a myriad of
adverse side effects.
Minnesota was one of the first states to jump headlong into
the psychological training and testing of kids.
“Under five-year grant contracts
with the department, 36 mental health organizations will provide school-linked
mental health services to approximately 35,000 students in more than 800
schools across 257 school districts and 82 counties by 2018,” according to a release by the Minnesota
Department of Human Services.
“More than half of those students will receive mental health services for the
first time.”
Oakley asks: “Why does that statement make me cringe? Maybe
it’s the unfettered access to more than 35,000 students and the ensuing data
mining that will also be relentlessly conducted and stored in permanent
lifetime files for easy access by insurance companies, federal and state agencies
and eventual employers.”
School shootings have been the “crisis of
choice” to promote gun control. The
Sandy Hook shooting appears to have been a hoax.
Having failed to remove our 2nd
Amendment Rights, Obama is attempting to take a ‘Sheeple Census’. He wants to
know how many K-12 kids have been sufficiently indoctrinated and are compliant. Kids with high self-reliance will be targeted.
Most of them will be in the lower grades because their ”Free Will” has not yet
been crushed. Those who can fool the
test will remain unmolested. Obama is
running out of time. Congress, of
course, is silent. Moms will not be
silent when this begins.
After the tests have been scored, schools
will meet with the parents of the high self-reliance kids to plan their dumbing
down treatment. “Sheeple” parents might
go along, but real parents will raise hell and take their kids out of
government schools.
There are 50 million kids were in public
schools, including 10 million immigrants across the US. In 2011, about 5 million kids attended
private schools and about 2 million kids were homeschooled. The exodus from
public schools continues, but immigrants are replacing those who escape.
Source:http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/oii/nonpublic/statistics.html . https://www.edreform.com/2012/04/k-12-facts/ http://openborders.info/public-schools-for-immigrant-children/
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader
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