Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Obama Moves on Internet !

President Obama calls for tighter regulations — leaving a little bit of wiggle room — in an effort to preserve a “free and open Internet.”

(National Journal) - President Obama leaped directly into the net-neutrality fight Monday, urging the Federal Communications Commission to claim expansive new powers over the Internet to enact the “strongest possible” rules.

Under his plan, the FCC would classify broadband Internet as a “telecommunication service,” a provision the agency uses to regulate telephone companies. Broadband providers like Comcast and Verizon have been lobbying fiercely against the same classification for Internet service, warning it would strangle their industry with utility-style regulations.

Obama noted that the FCC is an independent agency and that the ultimate decision will be up to Chairman Tom Wheeler and the four other commissioners. But his statement puts tremendous pressure on the Democratic appointees to seize the controversial new powers.

Under his plan, the FCC would ban Internet providers from blocking websites, throttling Internet service, or striking any deals for special Internet “fast lanes” for websites that pay more. The rules would apply equally to a home Internet connection and mobile devices.




The UN wants to control the internet to control the content and Obama always does what the UN says, because they both report to the same oligarchy of global Marxists.  Any government move on the internet is dangerous. It’s the only free speech left.  First comes sabotaging regulations, then the planned “crisis”, then more sabotaging regulations. The internet is the only free press we have.  If they get it, we couldn’t go back to Ham Radio.   

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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