Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Abortion Battle

State Legislatures are passing laws restricting abortions under pressure from their “Bible Belt” constituents. These laws are being challenged by lower courts. The courts are packed with lawyers who are trained to deny any mistakes or wrongdoing, so it’s painful for them to admit the Supreme Court got it wrong. They were also trained in Marxist law schools and lean Left.

US Law was based on the 10 Commandments and includes “Thou Shalt Not Kill”. This is no problem for lawyers who see this as a challenge to debate what that means. Engineers focus on what is right, but lawyers focus on what can be won.

US law has supported killing in certain circumstances in the past, like soldiers killing enemy troops and police killing in self-defense. Churches usually condemn war, but allow for “a just war” and even have had Chaplains in the army. But this is a new day.

Physician-assisted suicide is outlawed if it’s an event, but if this is done over time with the wrong treatments it’s allowed and Physicians can expect their bills to be paid.

The new laws on restricting abortion in 10 States tell us that it’s ok to kill your baby if you act quickly and abort the little monster if it is less than 6 weeks old.

Lawyers seem to be dancing around the definition of “Life” in the “Life, Liberty and Happiness” regarded as “inalienable rights”. Congress has refused to declare exactly when life begins to nail down when this right kicks in.

Babies less than 6 weeks old are not likely to file a lawsuit, so this is no problem. But babies who are born alive are regarded as a problem. We have lots of laws that prosecute parents if they are neglectful and their baby dies in a hot car. But if a baby dies in an auto accident, drivers are not necessarily charged with murder.

Kids are usually fun between the ages of birth to age 14 and if you’re lucky they don’t cost much money unless they are very physically ill or nuts.

There is a case for killing your teenagers who do become monsters around the age of 14. But Muslims fathers are being charged with murder for “honor killings”.

The Law will always have trouble micromanaging families and they should exit quietly from these laws and let families do their jobs unless they do murder each other.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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