Monday, July 15, 2019

New Jersey Lawless


Attorney General Gurbir Grewal, sent a letter to all the sheriffs in New Jersey, informing them that his office will take legal action against any sheriff that works with ICE. Now, the sheriffs want him gone. If they follow Grewal’s letter, they make their citizens less safe because under his policy, keeping a dangerous felon in jail could cost them dearly, not mention Americans that could lose their lives.

Monmouth County Sheriff Shaun Golden said:
“Cooperation from the federal, state and local level is essential when protecting the public and ensuring that dangerous, undocumented immigrants are not released from jail in order to maintain the safety of our communities.”

Golden’s statement also notes that 40 out of nearly 8,000 inmates processed at the county jail last year were discovered to be illegal aliens — these undocumented individuals were promptly turned over to ICE, according to WHYY-FM.

In addition, Grewal’s crusade against ICE is being met with fierce criticism by the entire law enforcement community, with one GOP candidate running for Middlesex sheriff lashing out in a blistering, now-deleted Facebook post, Insider NJ reported.

Anthony Gallo, a former auxiliary officer and NRA-certified firearms instructor, called for the arrest of Grewal on Facebook, saying the attorney general has been “harboring ‘criminal’ illegal aliens.”

Gallo continued, expressing surprise at the fact that 19 of 21 New Jersey counties “have been releasing these ‘Criminals’ into our backyards with our Families.”

He then took a swipe at his opponent, demanding Middlesex County Sheriff Mildred Scott be removed as well, claiming he “listens to this Criminal Attorney General and not the People of Middlesex County.”

Gallo finished his passionate rant by saying that politicians should hold no sway over the demands of sitting sheriffs and people should go to the ballot box if they want a change in local law enforcement.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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