Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Bad Democrat Bill

By National Organization for Marriage, 7/23/19.

Political correctness keeps coming back like a bad horror movie. The latest threat to your sovereignty is HR 3222.

Democrats in Congress are continuing their assault on the constitutionally guaranteed promise of freedom of religion by introducing new legislation dubiously called the "Do No Harm" Act (HR 3222).
Now comes HR 3222, the misnamed 'Do No Harm' Act, which in fact would do great harm to all people of faith. The legislation specifically directs the courts to ignore the religious liberty rights of Americans when someone claims that asserting those rights inflicts "dignitary harm" on someone else. So the same-sex couple in Jack Phillips' case simply would have to say that they felt harmed by Jack's refusal on religious grounds to design a custom cake for their 'wedding' ceremony, and the courts would be directed to expunge Jack's religious liberty rights.
NOM will not sit idly by and allow Democrats in Congress to strip Americans of their constitutionally guaranteed right to live their lives consistent with their deeply-help religious beliefs. We will fight any legislative attempt by Congressional Democrats to elevate so-called "dignitary harm" of LGBT citizens and others above the religious liberty rights guaranteed to every American by the US Constitution.

This bill would deny any religious liberty assertion if the religious liberty claim would cause "dignitary harm" to another individual. What exactly is dignitary harm?

The proposed law doesn’t say, but legal experts believe it means any perceived slight that is claimed by someone, regardless of the intent of the individual asserting the claim—effectively ending religious liberty protections in most circumstances!

Let's take the example of Christian baker Jack Phillips. Phillips declined to design a custom wedding cake for a same-sex couple because doing so would violate his religious beliefs that marriage is the union of a man and a woman. LGBT extremists targeted Jack with claims of discrimination even though the same-sex couple had many other options of bakers to handle their 'wedding.'

The state of Colorado sided with the same-sex couple, giving Jack's religious concerns short shrift. But the US Supreme Court reversed the Colorado ruling, finding in favor of Jack Phillips' religious liberty rights, and admonishing states that they may not blithely dismiss concerns that Americans have about protecting their constitutional right to live in concert with their religious beliefs.

This latest legislative threat with the introduction of the Do No Harm Act is more evidence of the abandonment of the principle of balance by Democrat leaders in Congress. While the Democrats have been controlled by liberals in Congress for decades, there used to be at least a modest attempt to reign in excesses and provide some semblance of balance in lawmaking. So, for example, while the Democrats insisted on supporting abortion, they also ensured that no taxpayer funds would be used to pay for abortions so that pro-life Americans would not suffer the dual indignity of having to accept abortions and also pay for them. And while Democrat policy strongly embraced the LGBT agenda, there was a recognition that not every American had to support this agenda and exemptions could be made for people with sincere religious objections. These attempts at providing some balance are now denounced by Democrat leaders who insist that no dissent, disagreement or differentiation with the course demanded by so-called progressives will be tolerated.


Making free speech against the law is unconstitutional. It is consistent with the tyranny imposed in George Orwell’s book “1984”. Political correctness began with Thumper in the Disney cartoon movie “Bambi” when he said: “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all”.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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