Thursday, July 11, 2019

US Trade Deficits

The seeds of rapid US economic destruction were planted in 1989 and continued until 2017. In those 28 years the US government took the National Debt from $5 trillion to $20 trillion and increased the Trade Deficit from $100 billion to $800 billion. This was done to crash the US economy in preparation for full UN Agenda 21 implementation of the “New World Order.” The Trump election in 2016 put that plan on hold. Democrats will resist the repeal of UN Agenda 21 and the dismantling of the Deep State.

In 1960 the US Trade Balance was Zero and remained close to Zero until 1980. It increased to $150 billion and dropped back to $30 billion in 1990. 

In 1993, the US Trade Deficit took off. It reached $828 billion in 2006. It dropped to $504 billion in 2009, due to the 2008 Meltdown. It rose to $737 billion in 2016.

US Trade Deficit in $Billions 1989 to 2017

1989 $109 B
1990 $101 B
1991 $66 B
1992 $85 B
1993 $116 B
1994 $151 B
1995 $159 B
1996 $170 B
1997 $181 B
1998 $230 B
1999 $329 B
2000 $436 B
2001 $412 B
2002 $468 B
2003 $532 B
2004 $655 B
2005 $772 B
2006 $828 B
2007 $809 B
2008 $816 B
2009 $504 B
2010 $635 B
2011 $725 B
2012 $730 B
2013 $689 B
2014 $734 B
2015 $745 B
2016 $737 B
2017 $796 B
2018 $621 B

From 1945 to 1960, the US had trade surpluses. The US Trade deficit was flat from 1960 to 1980. I took 30 years, from 1989 to 2019 for the US trade deficit to reach its current levels. 

In 2019, monthly US Trade Deficits were $50 billion.
5/19   $55.5 billion
4/19   $50.8 billion
3/19   $51.9 billion
2/19   $49.4 billion
1/19   $51.1 billion

In 2018, monthly US Trade Deficits were $50 billion.
12/18 $59.9 billlion
11/18 $49.3 billion
10/18 $55.5 billion
9/18   $54.0 billion
8/18   $53.2 billion
7/18   $50.1 billion
6/18   $51.1 billion

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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