Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Federal Dollars by State

Money from the federal government is redistributed back to states in the form of grants, aid programs for the needy and payments to major government contracting firms such as defense companies.

States receiving the most federal dollars have higher populations and more defense contractors.

Federal dollars sent to States in 2017 is outlined below.

California $436.1 billion
Texas $269.0 billion
Florida $237.7 billion
New York $220.6 billion
Virginia $176.8 billion
Pennsylvania $155.8 billion
Illinois $131.8 billion
Ohio $125.7 billion
North Carolina $113.1 billion
Michigan $108.4 billion
Maryland $105.1 billion
Georgia $104.5 billion
New Jersey $97.7 billion
Arizona $82.2 billion
Washington $80.5 billion
Massachusetts $78.7 billion
Tennessee $76.3 billion
Missouri $72.3 billion
Kentucky $70.8 billion
Indiana $67.8 billion
Alabama $65.8 billion
Minnesota $64.4 billion
South Carolina $59.7 billion
Colorado $57.5 billion
Wisconsin $55.4 billion
Louisiana $52.0 billion
Oregon $45.7 billion
Oklahoma $45.1 billion
Connecticut $41.1 billion
Mississippi $37.8 billion
Arkansas $35.1 billion
New Mexico $31.7 billion
Kansas $31.3 billion
Iowa $29.9 billion
Nevada $28.7 billion
West Virginia $24.6 billion
Utah $23.9 billion
Hawaii $19.9 billion
Nebraska $17.7 billion
Idaho $17.5 billion
Maine $17.4 billion
New Hampshire $15.0 billion
Alaska $13.0 billion
Rhode Island $12.6 billion
Montana $12.2 billion
Delaware $11.5 billion
South Dakota $9.3 billion
Vermont $8.0 billion
North Dakota $7.9 billion
Wyoming $7.1 billion

Total $3.6 trillion. $1 trillion goes on the credit card.

Those States with smaller populations receive smaller amounts of federal dollars. The economic futures of those States with the most Federal Land are limited by this land grab.

Because the Federal government should not add to the National Debt, all States should look at the inevitable reduction of federal dollars and begin to push more costs to counties and cities. This would affect some of the dollars included above.

Federal giveaways are the result of the refusal of State and Local politicians to assume responsibility for local needs. They delegated these costs to Congress and allowed costs to become unsustainable. Most federal departments, agencies and programs are unconstitutional and should be relegated to the States.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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