Saturday, July 20, 2019

Law Pollution

We need to reduce the number of laws on the books at all levels. We have lots of bad laws. There are 20,000 Federal laws and more from States, Counties and Cities. Nobody can keep up except lawyers who have all of these laws on a database. But courts still insist that “ignorance of the law is no excuse”, except for police officers. Our laws are a well- kept secret.

Courts were established to provide a “peaceful resolution of disputes” and were not established to ensure “justice”. Justice depends on finding the truth. Trials are established to ensure that the best debater wins. It’s a sport for lawyers who are paid $200 per hour.

Courts also provide a path to increasing revenue and intimidating innocent defendants into pleading guilty to avoid more legal costs.

“When there are too many policemen, there can be no liberty. When there are too many soldiers, there can be no peace. Where there are too many lawyers, there can be no justice.” - Lin Yu-Tang Chinese Writer and Inventor.

Frivolous Litigation is the practice of starting or carrying lawsuits that have infinitesimal chance of winning. In legal terms, the claim/defense is said to have no legal merit and the plaintiff is well aware of the case being futile from the beginning. Thus many frivolous lawsuits can be easy identified by its ridiculous claim. 

Financial predators such as predator-attorneys bear interests in the financial outcome of litigation. It’s estimated that over 40 million lawsuits are filed every year in the United States and the total number of registered lawyers exceed one million. The proliferation of excessive litigation has given predator-attorneys the power to abuse the legal system and transform it into a “lawsuit lottery”, where everyone is forced to join. If the predator-attorney got lucky, he could get rich quickly at the public’s expense. Furthermore, predator-attorneys often use forceful tactics to intimidate and mislead plaintiffs in order to achieve financial purposes.

In short, frivolous lawsuit can be treated as a form of “legal extortion” and every year excessive tort costs sums up to an estimated $589 billion in the United States.

You can sue someone for filing a frivolous law suit.  Bring a suit or claim for “abuse of process.” If you believe that a lawsuit was brought against you for an improper purpose, you might have a claim of “abuse of process” against the one who sued you. Your lawyer can discuss this with youSue for “malicious prosecution” after you defeat the frivolous case.

According to the most recently-available statistics, about 95 percent of pending lawsuits end in a pre-trial settlement. Those who face frivolous law suits will cave in to extortion if they can settle for less than their legal fees would be if they refused to settle.  This legal extortion affects juries who sit and wait and then are dismissed.  Judges are proud of this mess.

The latest lottery can be seen in TV ads calling for more plaintiffs to jump on the class action suit roulette wheel. Laws are not created by citizens. They are created by the campaign contributors, the Marxist non-profits, the Socialist Deep State and the Media. The Media jumps on a series of stories about negligent parenting, child deaths, spouse murders, etc. If this is well orchestrated, legislators jump on crafting another layer of laws.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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