Sunday, July 21, 2019

Dems Feign Division

New Radical Left House Democrats were elected in the 2018 mid-term elections and have dominated media coverage ever since to get Democrat “air time”.. Their “dust-ups” with Nancy Pelosi have been in the news.

The Democrats are now shifting from a full-blown Communist take-over to a more “moderate” tone. This is their orchestrated approach to the 2020 election.  If they are able to put up “moderate looking” candidates, they might get more votes. But the Democrats move in unison quickly like a school of fish to slam through Communist Agenda legislation.  This is a fake civil war. Democrats are always deceptive. They use the Alinsky Model of disruption outlined in “Rules for Racidals”.

The Democrat strategy has begun with a replay of Adam Sandler’s Saturday Night Live skit: ”I’m, crazy, give me candy”.

The “roll-back” of fiscally suicidal demands of Democrat politicians has begun and we are seeing more Democrat Presidential candidates claiming to be “moderate”. This is the plan according to schedule. 

The first phase was to be “outrageous” to get media attention and establish name recognition. The next phase is underway as polls rank these candidates with Biden, Warren, Harris and others with the highest percentages and new “moderate” candidates are arriving.

Face time gives all Democrat candidates their shot to join the Democrat Courts and every other “communitarian” in Trump obstruction. The media is covering the Democrat candidates 24/7. The plan is to continue to dredge up and spotlight every fraudent Trump attack introduced since 2016 and every story about slavery, “racism” and victims since 1800. 

In the end, they will all rally behind a Liberal Democrat 2020 candidate claiming to be moderate and agreeing with 100% of the Trump Agenda, but speaking with political correctness. 
If Democrats win, after their election, we will have replaced Trump with another Obama who will reverse Trump’s accomplishments. It’s a “Lucy and the Football” mode.
The façade of civil war among Democrats is covered below.


The House communists have fired on the establishment’s Ft Sumter and as a result, the two sides met on the battlefield of Bull Run. From that battle, we are beginning to see a war that could extend for years and certainly beyond the 2020 elections. And just like that war, this one has racial connotations. Mostly because AOC has accused Nancy Pelosi of singling out of women of color in the party, indicating that Pelosi is racist.

The battle came about over whether to give additional funding to the Border Patrol to use for illegal aliens that they are holding in detention centers.

Pelosi understood that you cannot complain about conditions at the detention centers at the same time you are refusing them the money to properly care for the detainees. The freshmen thought they could have it both ways. So, who is right?

Well, the Democrats did internal polling in the swing states and found AOC’s approval rating was just 22%, while Ilhan Omar is at a dismal 9%. But AOC and her ilk refuse to see the big picture and I for one am glad because this war is far from over and there will be many more battles between now and November of 2020. Let them fight. It makes our jobs as conservatives so much easier.

From The Western Journal - The scuffle comes weeks after Democratic presidential front-runner and former Vice President Joe Biden was hammered on the debate stage by California Sen. Kamala Harrisover some of his decades-old actions.

During the back-and-forth in the highly-viewed first round of Democratic primary debates, Harris said Biden’s comments about working with segregationist senators to reach compromises were “hurtful.”

She raised $2 million in the following 24 hours and earned a massive polling boost for her takedown of the otherwise untouchable Biden, according to CNBC.

“Sen. Harris is out of control,” Rep. A. Donald McEachin, a member of the Congressional Black Caucus who has endorsed Biden, told The Hill.

Plain and simple, the Democratic Party is not in a healthy place, and getting mired in the weeds of race and intersectionality will destroy its primary objective of taking down Trump and his conservative agenda in 2020.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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