Monday, July 15, 2019

Democrat Open Borders

ELIZABETH WARREN WANTS TO INCREASE REFUGEES INTO THE US BY 700%, by steven ahle, 7/13/19. Elizabeth Warren is at it again. She now wants to increase the number of refugees taken in by the United States from 22,000 to 175,000 in her first term.
“At a time when 70 million are displaced around the world, President Trump has abused his authority to lower the refugee cap for the United States, admitting just over 22,000 refugees in total last year,” Warren writes. “I’ll welcome 125,000 refugees in my first year, and ramping up to at least 175,000 refugees per year by the end of my first term.”

She also wants to allow unlimited illegal immigration by decriminalizing crossing the border without permission. She is hilarious because she argues that the US economy isn’t working for the average US citizen, despite the fact that over 5 million jobs have been created and pay for blue-collar workers has risen 3.5% in the last year.

But, here she is wanting to bring in unlimited cheap foreign labor that will put Americans out of their jobs.

From Breitbart News - Democrat presidential primary candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) is promising to import at least 700 percent more foreign refugees into the United States if she becomes president.

In her national immigration plan released this week, Warren broke from her economic patriotism agenda wherein she has committed to holding multinational corporations accountable for outsourcing American jobs overseas and shifting to a permanent nationalist trade policy that puts the needs of American workers first.

Warren’s immigration plan now includes drastically increasing legal immigration and refugee resettlement to provide businesses and corporations with a never-ending stream of cheaper foreign workers that America’s working and middle class will be forced to compete against.
Specifically, Warren wants to increase the number of foreign refugees currently arriving in the U.S. by 700 percent — eight times the rate of President Trump’s refugee total last year, in which about 22,000 were admitted.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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