Friday, July 19, 2019

Border Wall Update

We have 990 miles of border wall up and underway and have 1010 miles to go. When the border wall between the US and Mexico is complete, we will be able to save a fortune on security costs, because we will install comprehensive monitoring of every inch of this 2000 mile long border. Sensors will tell Border Security what section of the wall is experiencing traffic.

Democrats don’t want a wall, because they want more illegal immigrants to vote Democrat in 2020 and beyond. Democrats think our government is a jobs program, so they throw bodies at problems with failing strategies.

Trump promised to build a border wall in 2016 and has been moving ahead despite Democrat obstruction

On 1/1/17, there were 654 miles of barrier along the southern border - made up of 354 miles of barriers to stop pedestrians and 300 miles of anti-vehicle fencing.

Overall, $6.1bn in funding had been secured by May 2019 to build 336 miles of new and replacement border wall, according to US Customs and Border Protection.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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