Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Trump Agenda

Trump is leading by example. He is telling the world to get off its ass and get to work. He believes that leaders of all countries should put their country first and root out all corruption. He believes that individuals and families are responsible for themselves. He knows that because laws regulating economies are national, that all economies are national.

Trump is restoring the US to its original intent and is restoring families to be the dominant economic unit based on human nature. He is fighting the “Deep State” to restore the US Constitution (as originally written) and restore the “rule of law”. He is fighting to restore border security with the wall. He is fighting to restore US Immigration based on labor force needs and merit. He is fighting to reduce the US Trade Deficit and discourage corruption and theft. He is opposing failed Marxist policies including Communism, Socialism, communitarianism, government corruption and overreach.

Trump believes in the “laws of economics” where consumers can control the prices by using the law of supply and demand. If beef prices go up, we buy chicken. This free market capitalism needs to be restored to lower the cost of education and healthcare by removing it from federal government control and restoring it to the “States and the People” to comply with the US Constitution and the 10th Amendment.


Education and Healthcare are overpriced and underperforming because government has over-subsidized these industries. These subsidies need to be reduced and eliminated.

Many US Federal Departments, Agencies and Programs are not authorized by the US Constitution and these functions need to be returned to the States and the People.

The US Federal Government has caused more problems than it has solved. Congress needs to assume responsibility for writing their own Bills and Regulations and have Agencies enforce the laws and not make the laws. Congress needs to review its 20,000 laws and begin to repeal that bad laws that do the most damage.

Campaign contributions need to be limited to “voters only” and only for those candidates who appear on their ballots. We won’t get incorruptible elected officials until the sources of corruption are removed.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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