US corporations and the Republican “elite”
need to rethink their role in the decline of our economy since 1989 and
especially their role in allowing Obama to be elected in 2008 and 2012
elections. Now these folks are in charge
and seem to be ready to slam through more short-sighted damage.
US Corporations are Guilty
We consumers hold US corporations responsible
for allowing Obama to be nominated and elected. We know that US corporations
joined the communists in puppet-mastering the growth in excessive immigration
that began in 1989, excessive government spending since 2000, growing
unsustainable national debt and unfunded liabilities, NAFTA and Federal Reserve
money printing that made the dollar worthless.
We blame US corporations for allowing Progressives to plant the seeds of
our destruction before 1900.
Republican Elite are Guilty
There is a disconnect between the GOP
Platform and Resolutions and what Republican elected officials actually do.
Voter Expectations
The primary issues in this election were
Obamacare, Jobs, Excessive Immigration, Open Borders Dangers, Government
Overspending and the Poor Economy
Voters want to be saved from Obamacare
mandates in 2015, but it appears that Obama will veto any bill that does
Voters want jobs. There are 100 million Americans without jobs
and these jobs are going to immigrants
Voters want to stop Obama’s Amnesty plan
including 5 million extra immigrants plus Refugees. Voters finally understand that excessive
immigration is bad for our economy.
Voters want border secured. They know that open borders pose threats from
criminal elements and terrorists. They
know Obama isn’t following current immigration law and they want the borders to
be secured and illegals deported.
Voters also understand that the high
corporate tax rate, excessive regulation and threats of raising energy costs
dissuade companies from bringing jobs back to the US.
Non-voters 66%
The non-voters represent several groups. Some are so disgusted with government they
don’t vote out of protest. Many are oblivious and don’t pay any attention to
issues, so they don’t plan to vote. Many are busy and they end up not voting.
Voting requires a certain amount of homework.
Candidates are often not forthcoming with their positions on issues and you
have to spend a lot of time on the internet to discover what candidates would
really support or oppose. Most voters don’t want to take the time to play this
Spending Cuts
Congress needs to address the cost of the
global warming hoax and show what federal government activities need to be
ended. They also need to address the
cost of US foreign aid funding terrorist groups and corrupt foreign
Bills to send
Voters want to stop Obamacare and Amnesty. They
want changes that will increase job availability. Reversing EPA carbon
regulations and water and land grabs should be included. These bills should go
Voters interested in unleashing the economy
want the Keystone Pipeline.
Tea Party Pressure
The Tea Party and lots of other conservatives
want to stop and reverse Obama policies. Obama says that Republicans won’t have to kowtow
to the Tea Party anymore. That’s wishful
thinking and liberal spin. Republicans
ran on Tea Party issues and they won. Now
it’s time for them to take action consistent with their rhetoric. They don’t need McConnell and Boehner holding
them back. Obama plays these two like a
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party
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