Monday, March 27, 2017

Voter Fraud Laws Needed

Dems put Nebraska voter registration forms in refugee welcome baskets, by Ann Corcoran 3/26/17

Remember dear readers that refugee resettlement in America is not first and foremost about humanitarianism. It is for the Democrat Party a place to recruit Left leaning voters (see my previous post on NC!) while for many on the political Right (and the Chamber of Commerce) a source of captive cheap labor.

Thanks to all who sent me this shocking news over the last few days about the Nebraska Democrat Party putting voter registration forms in to new refugee welcome baskets when new refugees won’t be able to vote for at least 5 years!
Chris Pandolfo writing at Conservative Review has penned a really good report on the outrage:

The Nebraska Democratic Party is welcoming refugees with open arms, welcome baskets … and voter registration forms. A donation drive organized by the NDP collected some 50 gift baskets for refugees. Each contained items like diapers and kitchen utensils, a welcome letter from the Nebraska Democratic Party signed by its chairwoman Jane Kleeb, and a voter registration form, according to a video posted to Facebook by the Nebraska Democratic Party.

The video, posted Saturday March 18, discusses the details of the “Refugee Welcome Basket” project and was recorded at the Nebraska Democratic Party’s Spring Meeting.

“When [President Trump] put in his racist travel ban we put out a call to action to Democrats across the state saying ‘help us create welcome baskets for refugee and immigrant families who are making Nebraska their home,’” she [Kleeb] says.

It also includes a voter registration form,” Kleeb states on camera. The baskets were given to two refugee resettlement agencies in Nebraska, the Refugee Empowerment Center and Lutheran Family Services of Nebraska. [These two federal contractors should not be active in partisan political activities. If there isn’t a law there should be!—ed]
Kleeb explains that one of the goals of the NDP is to identify politically active immigrants and make them feel welcome by the Nebraska Democratic Party.

This is so laughable!  A refugee coming from a third world hell hole is going to need to become familiar with voter registration forms on first arrival when they must wait for a minimum of five years before they are eligible to vote:

Reached for comment, NDP Chairwoman Kleeb categorically denied any wrongdoing, stressing that “it is not illegal to be handing out voter registration forms so folks start to get familiar with the forms.”

There is much more in Chris Pandolfo’s story, continue reading here and watch them all twist like pretzels trying to explain what they are doing!  Also, go there to see a link for the video. Do not miss the video! You need to know the opposition!

Go here for our Nebraska archive.  Nebraska is one of the states I toured during my 6,200 mile trek around the country. I was most interested in the meatpacking plants in Nebraska that use the cheap refugee labor.

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